The Art of Feeling Satisfied by Letting Go of ‘Wanting’

It is good to have achievable goals but when you find you continually want more things then it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Often when we want more stuff we start analysing how this will improve our daily lives, believing wholeheartedly that they are necessary to make us feel happier and more satisfied. Instead of concentrating on wants that can leave you feeling disappointed, why not look towards the things that you can positively change?

Focusing on Friendships

Good social networks are important for improving optimism and overall satisfaction with life. When you feel down and disappointed with life then why not reach out to your social network, perhaps getting in touch with someone you haven’t seen for a while?

Place More Value on Experiences

Research has shown the more people value possessions, the lower their emotional well-being. In contrast, life experiences are connected to our perception and sense of self in the world. Even just talking about our experiences can increase happiness and satisfaction, especially when these experiences connect us with others.

Keep Learning

When you continue to learn and study it can help to improve and support your emotional and mental well-being, especially when you choose subjects that interest you. Learning helps to build self-confidence and can help us connect more easily with others.

May, 21, 2018
