Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin, so it might seem hard to believe that anyone in this country is deficient in this vitamin. Unfortunately, that’s not the case and a recent study of 11,000 Australians discovered nearly three quarters had vitamin D levels that were less than optimal, while a third were deficient in this vitamin. It’s estimated at the end of each winter, nearly half of office workers will be deficient in vitamin D.

It’s an extremely important vitamin for bone and muscle health and for general health. Although nobody wants to become sunburnt, some exposure to sunshine is vital. UVB rays are the most effective way to obtain vitamin D, but you can also find small amounts in oily fish and egg yolks. During summer, you only need to spend a few minutes each day outside, while in winter you need to spend a few hours each week enjoying the great outdoors, but please ensure you wear good quality sunscreen.

Jan, 29, 2018
