Making Sure You Stay Safe in the Sun

Sunshine is great as it helps us to produce vitamin D so we can absorb calcium more efficiently which is essential for strong and healthy bones and teeth, but it is crucial to sunbathe sensibly.

Follow These Tips to Stay Safe in the Sun

* When enjoying the sun, ensure you always wear plenty of high-quality sunscreen and reapply it every two hours, or more frequently if you have been swimming or sweating a lot.

* Use an SPF with at least a 30 rating.

* Make sure you don’t forget certain areas such as the tips of your ears, your hair parting, the back of your neck and the tops of your feet and toes.

* Take regular breaks from the sun by moving into the shade or go indoors for a while, and especially between 10am and 4pm when the sun is at its strongest.

* If you are out on the water, you will burn more quickly because of the reflection.

* When you want to block the sun’s rays entirely, wear clothing thick enough so you can’t see your hand through it.

Jan, 28, 2019
