How Can Vitamin D Help Your Oral Health?

Are you getting enough vitamin D? It’s a vitamin that is essential for good oral health because it helps the body absorb calcium and boosts your bone mineral density, protecting your bones. Ensuring you get enough vitamin D helps prevent tooth decay and other diseases like gum disease.

If you are concerned, your vitamin D levels could be too low or have recently suffered from tooth decay despite good oral care at home, ask your GP for a blood test. If needed, they can prescribe a vitamin D supplement so you can enjoy the possibility of healthier gums, less tooth decay and better overall health generally. However, people absorb vitamin D supplements at different rates, so it’s worth reviewing your diet to make sure it contains foods with vitamin D.

How to Get More Vitamin D Naturally

Your body makes vitamin D naturally when you are exposed to sunlight and spending 10 minutes a day in the sun could be all you need. But you’ll find this vitamin in some foods. These include fatty fish, such as canned tuna and portobello mushrooms. Drinking a couple of glasses of milk each day will also provide you with plenty of vitamin D. Some foods are fortified with vitamin D such as cereal and orange juice.

Feb, 04, 2020
