Give Your Kids a Gift for Life – Establishing a Dental Home

One of the best gifts you can give your kid is good dental health, and it is essential to establish a ‘dental home’ for them, beginning preventative dental care when a child is still in infancy. Everyone here at Happy Rock Dental loves seeing children and we will care for your child as if they were our own. Your baby should have their first dental visit by age one or soon after they get their first tooth. During this first visit, they won’t need to sit in the dental chair, as they can sit comfortably on your lap, and we will get you to tilt them back so we can take a quick peek in their mouth.

The Huge Advantage of Early Dental Care

While this first checkup lets us check your child’s teeth and jaws are developing normally, it also allows you to talk to us about dental care at home. We can show you how to care for your child’s teeth and can discuss which toothbrush and toothpaste to use, and how to brush their teeth gently. Early childhood caries (baby bottle tooth decay) is a particular concern. Children can develop severe tooth decay if given a bottle of sugary liquid during naps or overnight. We can discuss how best to avoid this problem and other issues that can cause tooth decay.

Feb, 04, 2020
