Learn How Drinking with a Straw Can Benefit Your Smile

Drinking through a straw isn’t just for kids as adults can benefit too. These days, there is a huge range of eco-friendly reusable straws available, many of which are dishwasher proof and that come with cleaning tools. There are also single-use paper straws.

Reducing the Risk of Acid Erosion, Tooth Decay and Tooth Staining

When you drink something very sugary or acidic through a straw, it reduces contact with your teeth. Less contact helps to protect your tooth enamel, reducing your risk of cavities and tooth discolouration.

When you drink anything sugary, it feeds harmful bacteria in your mouth that produce acid as a side-effect that can weaken your tooth enamel. Over time, repeated exposure to acids produced by bacteria or naturally present in drinks can cause cavities. Using a straw can be very helpful if you are taking specific medications that can stain tooth enamel.

Easier to Use

Older adults with conditions such as Parkinson’s disease can find it easier to drink through a straw. They are less likely to spill the beverage, and drinking more helps with overall hydration and quality of life. Other people may have strength issues where they cannot hold a glass or cup comfortably, and using a straw can overcome the problem.

Feb, 12, 2021
