Did You Know Sensitive Teeth Can be Treated?

Eating ice cream or having a sip of hot coffee is no fun when it causes tooth pain. Sometimes even brushing or flossing your teeth is enough to make you wince. If this sounds familiar, you may have sensitive teeth, where hot and cold sensations reach your tooth nerve more easily.

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by untreated tooth decay or fractured teeth, or even fillings that are worn and crumbling. Gum disease exposes sensitive tooth roots. Sometimes tooth enamel can become worn, allowing temperature changes to reach the nerve in your tooth more easily.

How We Can Help You

The first step is to visit our dentist here at Happy Rock Dental. We can examine your teeth to make sure the sensitivity isn’t caused by a dental problem, and if needed, can provide appropriate treatment. It could be that mending a tooth or replacing the filling is all that’s required. Otherwise, professional applications of fluoride could help to strengthen your tooth enamel, blocking unwanted sensations. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth will help to reduce sensitivity by blocking the transmission of sensations to the tooth nerve. Usually, you will need to use this toothpaste the several weeks as the effects are cumulative.

May, 29, 2020
