Summer! Make the Most of the Summer Sun with a Brighter, Whiter Smile

Summer is a time for making memories, many of which are immortalised in photos. However, when you look back at those photos, you may notice your smile looks dingy and discoloured. This summer, make sure you can smile broadly and with confidence knowing your teeth look bright and gleam with good health.

How to Get a Whiter Smile?

You can make small changes like switching from coffee and red wine to drinking plain water or using tooth whitening toothpaste, but for the best results, try a professional whitening treatment. We provide two whitening treatments including in-chair teeth whitening and custom home whitening kits.

Our in-chair treatment uses Philips Zoom laser whitening for an optimal outcome combined with maximum safety and comfort. Alternatively, our custom whitening kits contain whitening trays made to fit precisely over your teeth. These are used with Pola Day professional whitening products that are safe for home use. A custom home whitening kit takes a couple of weeks or so to work.

Once your smile is brighter and whiter, we can provide you with advice on how to maintain it that way between top-up whitening treatments. For example, cutting down on highly coloured foods and drinks that could stain your teeth can help considerably. When you have strongly coloured drinks, enjoy them through a straw to minimise contact with your teeth.

Nov, 30, 2020
